Are Entrepreneurs Born Or Made ? I Think...

Huzaifa Ahmed
4 min readJul 14, 2018


First we have to discuss that who are Entrepreneurs ? Are they Businessman, Or Startup Developers, Scientists Or Engineers.

Well there are many definitions of Entrepreneurs, but to summarize all definitions, we can say that,

Entrepreneur is an individual who found or runs a small or a big business (by the time) by taking financial and other kinds of risk on its own, Or starts a company with a single Idea, Service or a Product

Basically rather than a Employee in a company who gives you monthly salary for a lot of work you do under a pressure, Entrepreneurs are independent to do all of this. A very famous quote i heard during a recent session of my lecture from a friend i.e.

Salary is a bribe given to you to forget your dreams.

So, from this quote we can see that everyone can be Entrepreneur, no matter you are A Student or A Teacher, A Tea Seller or A Engineer, if you have an Idea and a strong beliefs to taking a Risk, you can be a Entrepreneur.

So the Question is still here that whether a Entrepreneur is born or made ? Well it can be Both. But How ?

Bill Gates

Bill Gates And Microsoft

If we take a Example of Bill Gates, all of you heard a name of him. He is born in a very poor family his father was a farmer and he was dropped out Harvard University, did Harvard or His father taught him to be a Entrepreneur, well a Big NO, he was not taught that how to make OS (Operating System), but he build one of the Most famous and still in demanding Operating System Microsoft XP, Well from most of us our first computer has also a Windows 95, and he became a Most Richest man in universe Or a Self Made Billionaire. He was a born Entrepreneur.

Colonel Sanders

Colonel Sander’s KFC

Now on the other hand if we take the Example of a Founder of KFC Colonel Sanders, he was working as Employee at some restaurants faced many failures and then he decided to take a note and made Fried Chicken and now we are calling it Chicken Nuggets, that was first introduced by a Colonel Sanders as Fried Chicken, When he made this Recipe and trying to selling it to many restaurants, but have to faced a rejections every time, but by the time he decided to sell this Fried Chicken on its own shop, and now that shop is very popularly known as KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken).

So by these two inspiring stories we can say that Entrepreneurs are born or can be made.

If one can identify there skills or expertise very early and polish them, then he/she can become a master or an expert of those expertise very early because they have time , and on the other hand if it is too late to identify then no problem you can still be a master because you have experience regarding of time.

Family Background is also a very important factor, if an individual is born in a businessman’s family, he will learn very early that how to Or when to take risks in business ?, how to run a business ? So it will be successful, Or how to face failure ? if the business go down and down.

And if you have not a business family background but have an idea or a reputation to make your new business or startup go successful.

Because the one who have business family background had also somewhere in the time they were a freshers in business but by the time, reputaion, hard work and dedication, they got a success.

Do not run towards success, make success run towards you.


By summarizing all this, I can say that Entrepreneurs is Born or can be Made, all can be done by,

Hard Work + Idea + Failures - Give Up = Entrepreneur



Huzaifa Ahmed
Huzaifa Ahmed

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